Saturday, July 01, 2006

What for?

Tsz Shan just lost her handphone for the third time running and she was telling Daniel and I together on MSN.

Daniel was suggesting those primary school kids' kind of hooks and straps ya? Those rubbery like single helix kind. Ah like your telephone cord! I'm sure all of you remember. I thought that idea is a bit too far off to begin with, but nevertheless a good idea.

However, on my way to work this afternoon, a primary school kid with a card holder attached to a lanyard dropped his ez-link in front of me. This lady picked it up to him then he realised that the card is gone. I saw the poor quality card holder empty.

Then what's the point of getting lanyards and straps and hooks and attachments whatsoever when you'll still lose things?

Aiya. Sometimes it's meant to be if you lose your stuff la. Scarly if that stuff stay with you for too long, it may bring bad luck to you. Whaha.

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