Saturday, July 22, 2006

Meiden Voyage: A Musical Journey Across the Meridian

It is the night of the concert!

I reached MJ quite late, and by the time I was there I missed the combined practice with the Japanese band and Ms Sia said I just play for the MJ-only item will do. I was quite sad la! Because I've been looking forward to playing with them!!! But I managed to play with them later on because I went to Ms Sia and begged. =/ I know how to 撒娇的.

Spent dinner time with Kimberly since Candice went to bathe. I didn't have appetite for the bento till I saw Chan Lun and Samuel eating. So I went to take a box. Kim insisted that she don't wanna eat, until she saw me eating she went to get a box for herself too. (-_-") I bluffed a flautist that we're sisters since she asked. Hahaa.

Before the concert started I already heard my juniors and Ms Sia telling me that their performance was very good, etc...I mean, I kind of expected that they'll be real good...I heard them playing Mononoke with the main band and the whole band sounded convincing! So by themselves they must be very very good.

First half

Thanks to Jie Ying who helped with the photo taking when I was performing. Though she didn't take any of the full band. Nor any of the tuba section in action. =P But still many thanks!

MJCSB started with Colonel Bogey and Jericho (which we played for the NBC), and Meiden Symphonic Band came and joined us for Backdraft and Mononoke.

The Japanese settling down with us

Shota, the Japanese guy who sat beside me, came and sat and asked how I am. So cute right? Hahahahaha then I asked him back and he was like 'Good!' And he looked at my Besson 993 and said 'Wow your instrument...' and I didn't know how to reply. I didn't think mine is that good an instrument maybe because I hate the valves which kept getting stuck. However I must admit that the 993 looked quite stylo compared to the rest of the tubas in MJ. I don't know what brand of tuba they were using, didn't ask and didn't check.

Getting ready
Backdraft conducted by Ms Sia

Mononoke Hime Medley conducted by Mr Hiroki Ito

While we were playing Mononoke, Shota played a wrong note (I think there's only one out of the two songs) and he said sorry when the music is still going on! I was quite stunned because they took those wrong notes kind of thing very very seriously. I mean we should too, but we won't apologise in the midst of a performance! I heard that a Japanese percussionist cried when she came in at the wrong bar of Backdraft. Shocked. When someone came in wrong we just shrug it off most of the time since people surely will make mistakes ma. It's OK!

And Shota sounded good! A lot of gusto and energy in his playing.


Went almost everywhere to take pictures.

Felix gave me a lion for my birthday. A message 'Life is great!' is on the lion.

I've never seen shinier faces
Joel and me
Tsz Shan who came for the concert
Shota, one of the Japanese tuba players and me
Shinya, another tubist, and me
Tomoko! She's very cute!!
Ms Sia and me
Jeremy and me. Fabian and Jie Ying are so unglam

Second half

Well in fact the best part of the concert isn't when MJCSB was in the limelight (duH). The Japanese were damm good la! The whole hall was sooooooooooooooooooooooo HIGH!!! Everyone was screaming and screaming and screaming. Like they were trying to bring the MJC campus down (that could be one of the reasons).

The two emcees

They had two emcees for themselves and the emcees are really very cute!!! Kawaii!!! They spoke in English, and though we had a hard time understanding them, but you just look at their actions will do. So cute!!! Like they will sychronise with each other and do some cute actions, blah blah blah, so cute~! I've never seen any emcees so adorable.

Meiden Symphonic Band in action

They're damm good. I heard that they had practices everyday back in Japan, 0630 to 0830 in the mornings, then 1500 to 1800 I think, in the afternoon. And on Sunday, full day!

The percussionist on a Japanese drum. He's got the seh to play it
The string basses and one of them as the electric bass guitarist. She sounded very good! Very natural and a cool charm!

The tubists are damm cool la!!!!
Tomoko may be small, but she sure has a lot of energy to swing the tuba around!

They were dancing around with their tuba and still sounded good!
The conductors talking to the audience

Then they played Saturday night, this piece where they had cheerleaders who are the members themselves. Girls went crazy over the cute (to them, he's not my kind) string bass guy and the dancers really know how to, uh, dance! They can sing, dance, play instrument........what do they not know? And the dancing really made the high-ness of the hall go up to the next level.

I still can remember them teaching us this: S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y-NIGHT! You are supposed to clap at A, UR, and AY and 'night'. So it's like s-A-t-UR-d-AY-NIGHT!

Some members holding placards spelling Saturday Night

It's a fast piece

Then they sang this song which is about childhood memories, and adults in Japan remember their childhood by singing this song. I don't know what the title is but it's a slow song. They sang like a choir, you can hear the different parts.


The tuba section
The basses
Trombone section

There was some weirdo who came to Samuel and asked him if he could take the full band photo with us. I was a bit stunned but I didn't know what to do. Then Samuel told him that tuba is that side, and he went to stand beside us. OK, never mind. I think I was too taken aback by the weirdness that I didn't say anything. Until he took off his shoes and stood on the chairs with us I was getting very turned off. Then Ms Sia came to join us for the group photo shot and I couldn't stand it anymore and tapped the weirdo and asked him to leave. Do you mind? Even if you mind I'll still kick you away. He was wearing a black polo tee with the words SYMPHONIC BAND sewed to his right sleeve, and there was a logo of the treble clef imbibed in a box or something at the left chest. Anyone knows what band he's from? And who sold him the ticket? While loading the pictures I decided to cut him off from the pictures.

The tuba section~

When everything was over I went to the hall and Fuquan, Benny, Wee Kiat and I took some photos.

See, we are also cute. Hahaha
Fu Quan, Benny, Ms Sia, Wee Kiat, me
That's Shota, a euphonium player, and a flautist. They're damm sporting la! Can immediately pose for the shot

They gave Ms Sia a Japanese fan as a token of appreciation. And we saw the a similar one in the band room and we played with it.

Yes this is very spastic
Aiyo, Sing-ga-po weather so hot~!

Fabian asked one of the members' dad to help us take an alumni photo and so I passed him my camera too. And he passed my camera to his wife and guess what. His wife dropped it. The camera immediately blacked-out and the memory card and battery came out. There were a lot of horrendous scratches on the LCD, but thank the guy up there I put a screen protector there which could be removed. It was only until I got home that I realised that the cover for the memory card and battery was chipped off due to the impact with the cement floor, and the latch for the cover was snapped. Meaning I can close the compartment, but it isn't safe nor tight and I can just open the compartment with a pull of the cover. I wanted to cry la, and Yi Xin was sleeping by the time I realised so I called Felix and cried for about 45 minutes. So heartbroken!!! It's like my dad got it for me la....Both times that my camera dropped, I wasn't the culprit OK...took so good care of the camera also no use, other users can just spoil it. I'm already very irritated that I have so much to pay for, and now to fix a new cover to my camera I have to pay also la...this kind of thing not under warranty one. Sigh. Have to find time as well as money. Please donate into my pocket.


The Japanese are really very nice people! They know that they're better players than us but they aren't cocky. 不会摆架子的!Not at all! Love them sooooooo much!!!

In the tuba section, there are Shota Horii, Shinya Kimura, and Tomoko Ono. Shota is the one with more initiative, an easy leader (he's in the committee) and he's the one mainly doing the talking. Not a really shy guy, very amiable. He's a good player. Shinya is very quiet and rather introvert from what I see. Don't talk a lot but he's nice. Haha man I don't know what to say about him. Tomoko is cute!!! Haha a very lovable girl! She's like a doll! And her kind of cute is really within her, comes from inside and not those posers that are aplenty in Singapore. They are very well-mannered and polite people!

And this is one of the very rare times that I happily took pictures while showing the victory sign.

Signed 26072006, 0141hrs

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