Friday, July 28, 2006

Tuba and Friends

Mr Louis Yeo's farewell recital at YMS. Sort of a fund-raising stint too.

He was playing pieces accompanied by the piano, and after that accompanied by Aaron, who played a duet with Mr Yeo.

The last song they played (I don't know the title) about friendship was really really nice!

I didn't take and photos though.

Mr & Mrs Chua were there too, and when Mrs Chua saw me she suaned me, saying that I shouted across the hall at VCH (I shouted Shota's name that time, if you read the post on 25072006). She said something like '我不认识你!' Haha whatever~

Mr Yeo will be flying off to the US to further his studies in August. Sighhhh. So envious yet another farewell. But he'll be back in about two years' time.

Signed 31072006, 1418hrs

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