Monday, May 29, 2006

Argh! Even more pissed

Bloody hell.

I called NTU Office of Admissions, and apparently how they did things were that they look at results as a whole first.

Meaning, they will look at the results of the applicants to the course and pick the ones with the better results, regardless of their choices. Meaning if their results are good enough but they put it as their 5th choice, they will still get admitted into that course. So even if someone else with poorer results but they're very interested in the course they will be denied a place there.


Bloody hell, I thought NTU would be a nicer university and be less stringent about such things. But I find it very ridiculous that even people putting the course as their last choices will get the course, even though they may be at dire straits like me too. They may even end up not going into the school what. Argh. I'm dissing myself off already.

Then let the whole school be filled with a larger proportion of the students who are doing courses not of their higher choice.

The lady said I can appeal and they'll re-look at my case. The appeals will close on the end of June, so earliest I'll know the results by then, or in early July. Please lo. I don't have that much time.

Just the whole thing is not encouraging at all, like even if you do well you may not end up somewhere you like.

So what's the point of the pre-requisites? Come on, they're the requirements! Like I don't have that subject so I just don't apply? I have the subjects and I passed the pre-requisites with flying colours and I don't get a place there.

I thought they also should think of the requirements of the course first! I may get a D for Econs, but this has got nothing to do with the course I wanna sign up for what. Please lo!

Ya la I'm just having selfish blabbers you can criticise too but hell no I don't care. Too pissed to bother about what you want to say.


So it all boils down to nothing to do with admin, I forgot to ask her why my application was being pushed to the back. So is my results la. I only have myself to blame la.

I'm jinxed la. I still don't think my results are that bad to be denied a place in NTU in the courses I wanna go to lo. Pissed.

Wah! 气死我。

Ah ah ah ah stayin' alive! Stayin' alive! Stayin' aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee aliiiiiiiivvveeee.

Even my mobile phone also don't give me face lo. It's like I can be typing a message and suddenly when I'm still pressing the keys I see whatever I typed clearing by itself. It's a bit spooky la as if my phone is possessed but at least no new messages get typed out by itself. Sigh. Damm pissed already.


Going to work soon. I think I'll be in a damm bad mood la. Really lo, I didn't expect NTU to do things like this.

This is making me regret taking Econs in JC even more. Diversify my combi some more. Lands me up nowhere.

At least I have NUS who would like to take in poor me.


Daniel and Cedric and Xin Hui here I come!

Yes I think I'm more or less set on NUS for now. 85%?

I don't think I'll waste time appealing and waiting for NTU I waited long enough for just the reply already.

I just hope I will do a lot of sciencey stuff in the mathematical course lo, rather than all those finance things. Sigh. It's Applied Mathematics that we're talking about.


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