Wednesday, April 12, 2006

New faces in the elections

Well, it seems like there are a lot of new faces in the People's Action Party lately. I'm actually quite turned off by it. What's with the young and dynamic thing? I think in order to make PAP more attractive they are recruiting so that Singaporeans will be like, 'Mmm, got younger people surely more capable.' As if! They are trying to pass on to the younger generation, I mean, this is alright, but I feel that they are making things too last minute. If we were to really vote for them how are they going to show us that they really can other than going around to shake hands and wave and give speeches?

Moreover when I see them introducing the new members on the news I am introduced to their qualifications too. And show that they were from whatever whatever school then graduate from so-and-so university and got degrees etc. I mean, so what? Those newbies are executives or academics from recognised institutions in Singapore, like an exec from NTUC or a lecturer from NUS. I rather they tell us what these people are capable of, better than later you have people who become a member to enjoy any privileges or something? How can they prove that they can be a listening ear to the people of the contingent and help them and give them aid? And they are already with high-end jobs, how do you expect them to commit fully into their new responsibilities?

Maybe I'm too narrow-minded la. Whatever.

Man, I'm not even 19 yet, I can't vote. They'd better let me.


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