Monday, April 10, 2006

A million dollars

I just joined a tuba forum and it seems like almost all the members have tubas for themselves. I...I don't even have one. I can't afford...too expensive already. A good tuba can cost you a 5-digit sum. Never mind la, I don't really need a tuba to that extent...not as if I am majoring in tuba or what.

And it occurred to me what I'd do if I had a million dollars. $1, 000, 000. I think I'll really go get a tuba. At least I have a lot of it left. Then I can go get some materialistic stuff for my personal pleasure, like a lot of new clothes, bags, blah blah blah, an endless supply of necessities...I may even use the money to revamp my flat. Make it nicer, cleaner, more comfy...use it to pay for my education...blah blah...give my parents some money...blah blah...

Dunno why I'm thinking of all these. Money-faced all of a sudden.

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