Sunday, April 02, 2006

Ice Age 2 - The Meltdown

The story of this movie is so-so la, sounds a bit Noah's Ark to me, like the vultures and Manny, Diego and Sid represent God and the animals, the animals. Like there is a boat at the other side of the whatsoever and what you'll be saved from the flood!

However, the effect and animation of the movie are hilarious. Damm funny! The sloth herd part especially...hahahahhaa...really very very amusing...

Went to watch with band friends. Don't belong to their clique la, felt quite odd also but rather enjoyed myself. I wanted to sit with Benny and in the cinema, I realised the laughter I heard mostly was mine and Benny's. Maybe we're easily tickled. I did burst out laughing a bit too loud at some point though. Heh.

And I like Manny and Diego. They are soooo charming! And that squirrel-like animal...very funny! Since the prequel that animal had been scurrying around for...I dunno what you call that nut. But that squirrel itself, the animation for it is very very funny...

If you need some laugh, go watch that movie...though I thought it should focus more on the effects of global warming at the same can educate the kids you know. =Þ

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