Friday, January 13, 2006


Chey. I don't really know if this is that 'chey', but nothing very unlucky happened today. Unless you count that mocking from Felix during band practice today when he told the J1s of the tuba section that I'm MAN. The other 'chey' thing is that there aren't 9 new tuba players, there are 7. Still a lot though. I don't know what else to say, but the scores they read today were very interesting. I'm so jealous. I also want to play for the MJ concert in May. Sigh. After band practice I chatted with Ms Sia for a while (quite a long while actually) and then Felix carried my bag down (oh man) and we went to Whitesands for dinner.

Hmmm. I didn't mention that there's this J1 guy in my section who actually farted during practice. And you know, when you fart there'll be this vibration with the chair and so one 'poooooot' came out. I am so turned off by all these. Haha.

Hai Sing band practice was so-so.

No. It was more than just so-so. Because Mr Chua was talking to them in a way I'd never experienced him talking to us before. Maybe he did but I didn't remember. He was talking to them like they were small kids and that was worrying. He was like 'Do you all like this piece?' Oh man. You mean they had this sort of liberty? But never mind. Just that my juniors are really quite slow, or too slow sometimes.

Never mind again. They still have hope ma. They're hardworking. Heh.

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