Wednesday, February 15, 2006

First time I got into such a trouble

I'm so sad. And so bothered by today! T_T Got into trouble just now, with a customer. Almost wanted to cry lo, like why am I so stupid.

The customer was the family who bought the phone on Sunday. What I know is that the i-mode phones have got Bluetooth, and MP3s for ringtones. The downside is, I don't know that the Bluetooth part means the headset device only, and not the Bluetooth data sharing; and that the ringtones are actually True Tones, so even if you put MP3 into the phone you can't put it as ringtones. I didn't know all along.

So the problem (a rather big problem actually) is that the customer wants a clamshell phone with Bluetooth data sharing and MP3s for ringtones. And I happily recommended her the phones but in the end I am soooooooooooooooooo wrong. Then she came down to the shop today, I don't know if she did complain, but then I was sooo scared. First time such a thing happened to me I find it quite hard to handle..

I checked the phone and realised that I was wrong lo. A colleague at the shop also told me before the customer came in about the Bluetooth thing. So in deep shit now. Called my trainer from StarHub and I think I somewhat got a scolding from him lo. Still say it should be covered in product training. In the end I found out later that he also didn't know about it well lo. I don't remember being told about such features of the phones during training. Called Tsz Ching and she told me that she only knew about these after she called NEC Customer Service. See? Now like everything's my fault. The trainer said that I should call the in-charge of us i-mode 'ambassadors' aka i-mode promoters to apologise to her and tell her the situation and see how the customer can be compensated. Now things will get super complicated because I'm situated at a dealer and the customer bought her phone from here. So how compensation can be made I don't know. Tried calling the in-charge but she didn't answer. Will try again next morning. So the management of Star5 the dealer will get to know about this stupid i-mode promoter causing a mess and they may be on the losing end. How? T_T I don't really want them to know me. I'm like blacklisted by them now lo. Bloody hell. How to find jobs next time? Ya though I quite want to get out of this job but I don't want them to terminate me instead I terminate myself.

I'm rather worried about this whole episode. Have to get back to the customer by tomorrow night. Won't be able to sleep properly liao lo. What if the in-charge gonna ignore me for the whole of tomorrow? T_T

At first I thought last year's Valentine's Day was already horrible because I had to spend it studying for a Chemistry test the next day. This year's the worse ever that I'd encountered. Really leh. I'm super stressed up now and I feel as if I will just break down anytime. What a hard sale to close. Never mind la. 谁叫我又呆又傻又愚蠢。Like who can really help me tide over this?

I need a boyfriend now. Need a big shouldered guy to cry to. Just need for this moment actually. Forget it.

Can someone tell me what will happen to poor me tomorrow? I'm like spending everyday pitying myself. 唉,谁叫我那么白痴。I won't want to cry in front of my colleagues tomorrow lo. ARGH!!!

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