Monday, February 13, 2006

A divide deepened

Oh well. Another trouble has arised. From where? The Danish newspaper which published the cartoon offending a lot of Muslims. The cartoonist drew the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb as his headdress or something like that. This IS very offending, but whatever I see and read now, the West is fighting for free speech.

One thing I would like to emphasise is that, it is wrong if Muslims have to react in a violent way.


By how things are about the terrorism issues, I guess there are no other ways that the Muslims can react. Peace talks? Nah. If such meetings could work, there is no need for terrorists. One thing is if the Danish press did not publish such a cartoon, all these wouldn't happen. To add on, European newspapers republished the cartoon.

I think living in Singapore made me rather afraid of living in distress actually. Distress as in those political instability and everywhere is so unsafe and hectic. I'm not sure if the way I put it is correct, and I don't want to offend anyone of any country. Another part about living in Singapore made me cherish the harmony here all the more. So I wouldn't want to get into problems with the other religions or races.

Free speech is what the West thinks of. Well, I think on the news, in the papers etc reporters seem to write in a way that, Muslims do not allow free speech that's why they're rioting that way. It is that the Muslims are hurt that their faith is being insulted. Something that you really believe in. You won't feel good if people were to comment about it offensively. Towards the Middle-east, or Asia, people are more conservative. I doubt the media of these areas are as open as that in the West. The West has opinions that the Muslims are exaggerating, but I think, they were the ones who were rude and offensive in the first place. Yes, you want to talk about free speech and you can say whatever you like. I don't oppose to free speech at all, but I seriously think that you hurt others. It just comes to me that this whole 'free speech' thing is a reason, or even an excuse to defend for the cartoon.

But on the other hand, Muslims also have to get used to this 'free speech' idea. Well, if you want the West to respect you, you also have to respect them back. It's a come and go thing, isn't it? And also, the West have got to do more to make the relationships between the two sides better. If not, rioting and boycotting of Danish products will just go worse. You see Muslims burning the piece of red cloth with a white cross everywhere. Except in Singapore. Really, both sides have got mistakes to themselves.

I don't understand the situation too much myself, who am I to say all these but ya...somewhere along that line. I'm not taking sides too. Hope this matter can be resolved and whoever who can lend a good helping hand in this issue must come out quick.


Anonymous said...

I see a good GP student in you!! =P

erina said...

who are you??

oh and thanks anyway, i dont think im going to do well for my GP haha