Monday, February 20, 2006

A divide deepened II

Ah..this is what I'm looking for. Peaceful protests! At least!

Good one

But still, I read that the Danish newspaper which first started printing the cartoon of Prophet Mohammed made a big apology on the front page of their newspapers, however, they were more focusing on the turmoil that erupted after the publication rather than apologising for printing the cartoon openly. Hmmph.

Free speech or not, when you are going to publicise about something, especially offending issues, be prepared to account for the consequences, even if you are 'speaking freely'. Don't let 'free speech' be an excuse to your offensive actions. It is a poor excuse. And even though I'm for free speech, I'm for democracy, it is only right that the press apologise more for the publication of the cartoon and be less stubborn. They started the cartoon first, they're wrong. Even if you say that Muslims sparked hatred between themselves and the West first, you can choose not to let the spark become an even greater and invincible fire.

It is heartening, however, to see that there are Muslims who are able to control themselves and make peaceful protests instead =) , instead of resorting to violence which is almost rife now.

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