Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Band practice or Swensen's?

Darn irritated with deciding.



Long time never play tuba already, and I haven't gone for MJ alumni for a loooooong time and this weekend it'll be inconvenient for me to go since I won't be going home due to some circumstances.

I wanna go Swensen's also because I long time never gather with my NUSWS section (have I actually had an outing with them before?) and I wanna eat ice-cream. Hope I go there and get to eat my rum-and-raisin+mint ice-cream. But I'm coughing and having a slight running(runny?) nose and I shouldn't eat ice-cream. Sighhhhhhh. 烦死了。

It's pretty irritating laaaa. Which one should I go? ... ...I feel like going for MJ alumni lehhh. Argh, think about it after tomorrow.

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