Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lions' new home

Went to Giant hypermart with my parents after cycling. Intended to get a storage box for my lions, and it must be short enough to roll it under the bed.

I saw nothing compatible, but my dad insisted that one of the boxes could fit the bill so I agreed and to my dismay, it was too tall. -_- Waste space and money!

However, I still had fun trying to put my lions into the box. Self-entertainment.

Rule of thumb: To put the medium-sized ones in. Bigger ones will occupy more space, smaller ones should fill the gaps between the medium ones.

The 4-wheeler that was too tall
Attempt 1. Oh no. Half the space's gone
Attempt 2. Looks good
Uh..not really
Attempt 3. Seems better
Aaahh. Good
Looks fitting
Four lions which were obviously denied space
Off we go
The four which didn't get in

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