Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Wasted so much time and money. And not only my own.

I happily thought that my Basic Theory Test is on Tuesday. Requested half day, and my dad purposely came down from Tekka to drive me to Ubi. In the end in my dad's cab, he said, 'I thought your BTT is supposed to be tomorrow.'

And it turned out that he's right.

Rushed back to YPS and continued working. -_- The bad part about making too many acquaintances in school is that the only question they'll surely ask is 'Going for lunch ah?' 'Where you going now?' 'How are you going home?' etc. So on the way back I had to explain to a number of people that the BTT is supposed to be today.

And I went to CDC today, and passed the trial. And I flunked the actual test.


Never mind. My mum said, '失败不用紧,你看,连李光要(音)都会失败!'

Ya lo.

But I still think that the L-plate should be placed on my forehead instead of the front and back of the car. (I hope you people get what I actually mean)

I didn't study hard enough I guess. I did read the book but didn't really digest. But the thing is...I was unsure of four questions. And in the end I got more questions wrong.

And the next time I'll get to do BTT again,
it'll be in September already. If I still flunk it, I'll be realllly reaaaaaaaaaly very sad. I'm already very sad.

Hope I'll get to own my own car before I turn 40. Hmm.

Driving, cycling, driving, cycling, driving, cycling, driving, cycling. My oh my.

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