Monday, June 04, 2007

Hotaru no Haka

Which means, Grave of the Fireflies.

This name may ring a bell to some of you, especially Studio Ghibli fans. It is actually a very touching story about how a brother and sister struggled to live during WWII.

I hate war. I really really hate it. I hope I won't experience any for the rest of my life.

I can't imagine waving goodbye to someone I love, whether it is my dad, brother, boyfriend, husband, male friends, and knowing there's a very high possibility you may never see them again. Military that goes to war seems to be sent to sacrifice themselves. I can't imagine having to live in fear all the time, afraid of the jets that fly over your heads while you scurry to a shelter for protection. I can't imagine getting sick without prompt and proper medication. I hate war. Though I've never experienced one.

And also war started by stupid people (read: a big ball of leaves) doesn't help in any way.

I watched the anime long time ago, so the details of the movie are rather vague. However, I just finished the live version, i.e. real life actors and actresses. There was much more additional storyline, which I think was able to spice up the show a little.

Go watch it! I saw it on

And..I think I cried more watching this compared to 1 Litre of Tears.

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