Monday, January 01, 2007

Merry New Year

And while I'm sitting in the living room watching the telly with my mum they were counting down to 2007.

So it's 2007 now!!!


I won't say time flies.

But I'd say that nineteen new-years went past already.

And soon it'll be twenty.


Sigh. I need more comforting that I'll still be young. Haa.

This is my post exactly a year ago:

happy new year!!! yeP..happy happy..

new year resolutions?

1. i seriously can be happy.
2. get into university
3. 事事顺利

hope i can pass the next 7 months without thinking too much of the past.

What was resoluted was only #2. And the postscript. I didn't get any happier, and things didn't go well for me. Sigh.

New year resolutions this year?

I just wanna do well in school I guess. But how much determination I have is another issue in my case. I'm getting more and more insolent, more and more tired of schoolwork. However...this is my only route!

I also dunno what I want to do when I graduate. I hope some companies can offer me jobs before I graduate (which is nearly impossible).

Ah. New year resolution: stop daydreaming and get down to real world work. And stop procrastinating.

Oh and anyway, I just blogged about the MacRitchie Reservoir Hike. Take a look at it. Link is on the sidebar.

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