Sunday, January 07, 2007

Earned my first USD

I've been subscribing to TIME magazine and yesterday the company from Hong Kong sent a mail to me, containing a survey about Olympus' advertising that I gotta fill up and send back. As I was flipping through the papers, I saw a US dollar note. Puzzled, I wondered why it was there and thought maybe it's just some gimmick and they sent us a counterfeit dollar note.

I stared hard at the note. And I picked up the note and smelled it.

My, the smell of money.

It so happens that the gave us the US$1 as a token of appreciation for us to complete the survey as stated in the letter.

1.0000 USD = 1.5374 SGD (as of 5 Jan 2007)

I could choose not to do, but since they gave me the US$1, I did the survey right away.


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