Thursday, June 15, 2006

Just a post

My workspace is a table beside the counter with some cosmeceutical products, this brand called By Terry. Today there were two Taiwanese ladies (in uglier terms I'd call them aunties) who came to the counter and my colleague was serving them pretty well. The part I wanna talk about is, one of them was asking for this shimmering powder. And of course there were, and they had a few colours to choose from.

When my colleague applied some powder on the hand of that lady, she was like, "哇......!!! 好梦幻喔!" And I was like (-_-") and tried not to show my smile too much. It was just some shiny powder (though I know that By Terry's products are really good but expensive) with good effect and she was like lost in dreams and feeling as if she was a princess all over again. Haha ya I know I'm mean to say that. But the way she said it was amusing la. Like those very 撒娇 tone.

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