Wednesday, April 04, 2007


FYI: This post is not really a spoiler in my opinion since most people should know the storyline, considering the fact that Phantom has been around for quite some time. Should you not know the story, I'm not revealing anything of it, just some rather superficial comments on my thoughts post-musical.

I don't know what to say, seriously. Haha. OK, main point is, I sort of cried twice. Whahahaha. I cry quite easily while watching movies etc, so...ya. I may be exaggerating. Haha.

The first time I teared was because I was overwhelmed by the fact that I was watching the musical finally. It was like, I was in the theatre, the stage was gorgeously vintage-ly furnished, and during the first act I cannot help it already, when Christine and Meg (if I didn't get her name wrong) started to sing. It is quite the 'I made it here' kind of feeling. The second time I cried -_-. Haha. As in, tears really flowed. Towards the end it was so sad, I couldn't help it. Didn't want the tears to fall so I tried really hard not to blink but I guess my eye cavities were not big enough to hold them anymore and they fell~ Haha. After that I pretended I was just giving my face a rough wipe, like just scratching or whatsoever. Don't wanna let my brother see me cry whahahaha. So paiseh. I went with him and his colleagues by the way.

I think my favourite roles were that of the Phantom and Madame Giry. The latter has a very cute role, somewhat Nanny-McPhee-like. But I'm not going to say anymore in case this post becomes a spoiler.

For those who are going to the musical, don't expect too much I guess. I wasn't exactly touched by most of the singers except for the Phantom, the actor is Brad Little if I got his name right. Seems like people with surnames to do with 'small' aren't that small after all. Think Melinda Doolittle on American Idol 6 and Stuart Little the talking mouse. Digression. Back to what I was saying, I think the guy who played Raoul should have a charm and a strong voice not only to swoon Christine but attract the rest of the ladies as well. However this wasn't the case. Raoul's voice was relatively weak and lacking of a certain power that he should have, especially the parts where he had to project but I didn't feel that his sincerity reached me. His part in All I Ask Of You was fine la, and those parts where he had to sing with others, people easily covered his vocals. Christine was quite a disappointment too. Though she had the technicalities, she hit the high notes and her singing flowed, but she couldn't project her voice. Not as zai as Sarah Brightman. I think I'm comparing them with the original cast which isn't really right, I just had this tiny little hope that they may keep up the standard.

However I was particularly impressed with Phantom! My, his singing reaches you, (probably that's why I cried) and his acting skills are superb. I felt the Phantom's agony and his need for love, which he worked so hard to fight for. His singing is resounding, thunderous, emotional, etc etc etc. Like when he shouted I jumped a bit in my seat. I am really impressed.
You all should go watch, as long as you're not sitting too much to the side. I THINK, I THINK, you don't trust this, but I THINK if you can see the stage, sitting anywhere isn't a problem. So don't refrain from going for this musical just because you can't spare extra cash for good seats okay. I think it's worth a go, the last time they came here was 13 donkey years ago. My brother waited for 13 years, we couldn't afford it because at that time he was only in secondary school and my family wasn't very well-off. Lots of financial problems, but my brother went to get the cassette of the Original Cast and we're still keeping it. Whether it can still play or not, I'm not sure. Haha. I don't know how long I waited, probably since secondary school too, when I learnt more about this kind of cultural and artsy stuff. Probably that's why I was so excited and overwhelmed -_-

Thanks to my brother who paid for my ticket (muahaha) and it costs a bomb, considering he got two of the tickets which means he spent nearly $300. And plus all the souvenirs we bought...hahaha. He bought the programme booklet $25, mug ~$12 I can't remember the price, Original Cast CDs $33, and he paid for the mask necklace I wanted, $20. I think $20 for that is a good buy, though we all know it's all touristsy money. Haha I'm going to pay him the $20 of course.

OK la, I think you all better go get the tickets now. Hahaha.

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