Monday, February 12, 2007

Spelling (or typo) errors (don't-know-how-manyth)

I recently chanced upon another signage mistake. This time is more of a grammatical error.

I've been drinking the Pokka Blueberry Tea for some time already, but I've never noticed the words on the can because I bought it for the taste. Quite nice, really. Anyway, it was only just now when I went to get another can that I noticed this:

Although I flunked my English test in NUS I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with the slogan donning the Blueberry Tea words.

Bring you the richest aroma and refreshing taste?

The adjectives don't really agree isn't it. Haha.

This is so fun.

More like 'Bringing you the richest aroma and most refreshing taste'.

I bet they cut the words short due to the limited space, or their English just can't really make it.

Not that mine can, either.

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