Friday, October 06, 2006


That's what I have now. And it's a really bad condition..first time I daresay I have insomnia in my entire life. Because it is almost 6am now and I'm typing away. Not that I didn't try to sleep, I really couldn't sleep. I slept at 8pm plus last night because I was tired, woke up at 10pm plus because Juli was knocking on my door and I went back to sleep and woke up past midnight. Did some work, went to bed at 3am plus and couldn't sleep again.

The past nights I didn't have a 'nap' or anything, went to bed as early as I could and still couldn't fall asleep..slept for at most three or four hours to last my whole day. I've been like this for almost three weeks. When I first moved in and all I could sleep almost immediately after I lie on my bed.

What should I do? I don't want to go on medication. But I really want to sleep! And other than to get more rest I don't want my skin to get from bad to worse!

There's computing lab (sigh) and general bio later on till 2pm, and instead of going home I gotta stay for the softball training. Sigh. Sometimes I wonder what I should do because I want to go home and spend more time there. I've been staying too much in hall la. I'm a Cancerian, I'm a very home person. Adapted to life here but don't wanna let my parents feel that this daughter of theirs don't love home anymore, in fact I do! Friday evening spent on softball training, and I have Mus'art on Sunday. Sigh. I want to stay in hall yet I want to go home too.

Decided that I shall not sleep anymore now and tire myself out a bit, buy some milk tomorrow (as Sam suggested) and drink it before I sleep tonight. Then wake up whichever time I want on Saturday.

I just want to sleep properly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can go runnning in the morning! 5km. That will send you straight to dreamland in the night. Assuming of course you hadn't slept in the afternoon(which I inevidently do) Heh.