Friday, December 09, 2005

at genting - day 4

we had free time in the morning and we decided to go shopping...i had some money left, wanna spend more of it today if not it seemed as if i didnt enjoy myself in genting. haha. we ate at pizza hut there..not bad la. ate until damm full. i bought a bum equipment wallet. had 2 wallets already, but the coin part worn out and my coins can actually drop out. i taped one of them. so i guess its better to get a new one.

jieying still havent got her red shirt, and she wanted to get shades also.

jieying thought this was cool so we took a pic of it. the centre pair of legs is jy's, the one behind her is hw's, and mine is the other one on the right
she's obviously happy with her shades

i went to the dvd shop beside where we shopped and i got the spirited away vcd. cant remember if i have it in sg but bought anyway. jy tried to go into the shop but in the end the sensor was beeping dunno why she couldnt come in. there were no tags at any part of her.

a cable car ride
we were running short of time cos a lot of time was wasted for shopping..need to report in all black by around 4plus? for the rehearsal for the closing ceremony. enjoyed the cable car ride thoroughly. there was me, jy, felix, ky, hw and edrei. other than the animal statues they put there, we saw some real animals too.
tried to take a shot of the other cable cars but came out blur
me in the cable car!
this was where we started
what is there to see?

so hazy..

i like this photo

this is a special type of plant. the leaves are in a weird way i've never seen before

where we are looping
genting skyway-the name of the cable car service

fake monkeys
fake elephants
real canopy

i took some videos too, but sadly cant put them up here la.

rehearsal for closing
we played extremely badly.. i think its because we wanted to play well to show that we are actually the best, but those emotions got too much into us that we werent concentrating. sounded like shit. everyone couldnt concentrate and this spoilt everybody's moods.

closing ceremony
we didnt have the chance to have proper warm ups...and there were no chairs for me to sit on before we went in! so had to stand up and play and keep my instrument warm. saw mr yeo there, we took photos! haha. finally can take a photo with him.

mr yeo, me
stupidly thought i looked nicer without specs. but no diff la
while waiting for the closing ceremony to start
shahnaz, shahniza, me. they are the other 2 euphonium players..they're sisters
me, benny

mr ong tee hoe, the event chairman of the competition, said that they have decided to change the grading system of the competition. results were re-announced, this time with the original results posted too. it showed that we had 443/500 + 453/500 = 896/1000. hence 89.6% - 5% penalty = 85.12%. and at least this cleared the air. and we screamed like mad. we got gold with distinction. haising got gold. yeay. =) so happy for my jnrs, so happy for myself and the band too.

i honestly wont deny that i asked my haising jnrs to shout encore after mj played..we're the finale, so we got chance for encores. my jnrs shouted, but due to some glitch we couldnt play any encore. in the end my jnrs shouted 'ERRRIINNNAAAAAA!!' so malu!!! the whole band was like 'woooaahhhh' and i felt so dumb. haha. after that the jnrs shouted jieying and the rest too. haha. i love my jnrs. and because the cocktail farewell was already done at the adjacent hall we had to pass through the audience floor when we get off the hall. while we were passing by the haising crowd, haising shouted 'MJC!!! HAISING LOVES YOU!!!' so touching!!! even mr lua commented that 你们这种友谊真令人感动。yes, i was extremely touched by the overwhelming support of the jnrs that they can even say that. i love my jnrs, i really do. thanks for all your support!!!

meanwhile having such support from my jnrs, i feel embarassed and bad that this teacher in charge of mjcsb refused haising's seek for help, when we have always been asking haising for help like loaning of instruments all that. and this really made me dislike the teacher even more. who does he think he is? so selfish!

we played not bad for the ceremony la. heh. went up to put our instruments and then left to go back for the cocktail farewell party.
euphonium and tuba section

cocktail farewell party
met a lot of the adjudicators there, and talked to them. mr minowa praised hongwei, saying that his solo is good all that. he was so honoured and i felt happy for him too. he took a photo with mr minowa, i dunno where the photo is. after that shahniza asked him to come along and take a photo with mr minowa as a section, and hw said 'i took with him already' its like, take as a section lo! haha. he was so happy till he couldnt think.
us with mr minowa
liying, me
me, ms sia
the 2 sections with ms sia
the 2 sections with mr nonami
me, mr ong. where is he looking at?
the 2 sections with mr ong
liying, deborah, me, abigail

yea i forgot to mention this. in day 2 i said that this jonah guy came blah blah blah. he also approached liying, deborah and abigail on the same day at around the same time! its like after he talked to them then i came along. wah piang, he's really up to no good lo. its obvious from our uniform that we're from the same school and he still ask me for my school. what a liar. now we know he's up to no good. girls! be careful of this jonah! haha.
sookun, me
me, elaine
huiqi, yingning, sio koon, me
the exco with ms sia. reach for the sky!
me, sockling. i spoilt the photo
acting spastic with jy
me, tsz yan, jygeraldine, me
mui yi, me, yu han
jy, felix
melissa, me
this is joel, the band world staff
with me and hw

post farewell
didnt get to take any photos with mrs chua lo. sad man. couldnt find her, and ms sia told me what happened. siGh. by the time we went back to our rooms it was like 1 am plus already...and since its the last night we had, jy decided to spend the night with us. we are not going to sleep!
jy and i in our rooms. haha

i should just give up on myself

after bathing went down to the shopping area to buy some food back to munch in our room..i bought a hot drink and a cake from starbucks and a 6 piece nuggets from mac...i love the cake. its called ipanema. just that its very chocolatey...chatted with the guys and jy all that..after that i went to the trombone people's room and had a funny chat with fun..hope that i could stay longer, but i have my family at home.

jieying then realised that the reason why she couldnt go into the dvd shop is because the cashier didnt remove the anti theft thing tagged to the shirt. and this also means the the bum city store has a lot of improvement for its security. the tag is tightly secured to the shirt, and we couldnt pry it open.

my ipanema cake with a corner cut off
the actual mess

i like what im doing, in band.

i love both the bands that i was in, enjoyed the times i had with my clique. i love both the women who conducted the bands that i was in, enjoyed the times i had with them.

i love band. i really do. and i love my tuba too.

wished tonight could be longer, so that i'll have more chances.

what mental prep? am i that scary? i just wanted to meet, though i dont know what we could do...why do you always say no?
chances to meet you

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