Saturday, March 28, 2009

And that was it.

Blurred =(

So, I had my last band practice and last concert as a student.

It crept up to me before I realised it and ran away before I could do anything.

And I think it was the most stressful. I don't know why, everything felt so much more exposed. =S *shrugs*

At least it went quite okay =D

Oh I think I know why. Because there used to be many people in my section. Now it's down to four. And I had to work much harder. Though things were much tidier and it was easier to settle our issues. Most of the time there were only three of us to start with. =\ I'm not complaining.

Honestly, somehow I don't feel good about this concert. I don't know, I think it's me. The thought of it being my last as an undergrad is creepy. The end is coming soon!

I actually miss the good friends I used to have in the band, but they all left for some reason, or it's just that we didn't keep in much contact and aren't as close anymore. I'm old already, time to move on. *smiles and flashes my teeth, 梁婆婆style*

My days in NUSWS started really well and I was happy and in the company of many friends and enjoyed what I was doing. At the end I was still enjoying my tuba and music but something is still lacking...and I miss it.

However, still, thanks to the many many people who made everything possible =)

And we found some familiar faces, tuba players who played with us.

The actual and only complete section photo which obviously didn't turn out well =(

This photo was taken before the first half.

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