I wanna play play play
But give me a break for today okay. I'm done with my tutorial homework. For this week only though. I need to get started on next week's soon. Do we have school on even of CNY? I hope not =( Hope Dr. Poh cancels the lecture, and some good soul will cancel the EL tutorial.
Anyway, I like the Nintendo Wii!!!!!!! Though I don't have a set myself. The games are nearly corny but I like them all the same. Very interactive, it's more than just clicking and typing on the computer and pushing of buttons on the joystick/controller.
This afternoon at CFA Yeda started watching Nodame Cantabile. Then I got the feeling all back again. Chiaki-senpaiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ♥
At night on MSN DanK told me about this new special NC episode (which I still can't find) that they filmed in Europe.
While scouting for the clip I landed upon a trailer, for the Nodame Cantabile Nintendo Wii game!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!
And I found several samples as well.
They're so cool laaaa! I want to plaaayyyy.
There's Nodame Cantabile on Nintendo DS as well. But I think that one is less fun.
But there's this Japanese drum (Taikoo) game that is rather engaging though I'm just an onlooker.
Much said, I think all these are available only in Japanese =(
Anyway, I found this super lame clip. It's on Nodame too.
My Power Ranger days.