Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Another writing test from the same organization, but a different department.


At least inform me of the email right, so that I can go home earlier to do.


So I read the email at 1 a.m. on Wednesday (today), the script is due in the evening, and I have a temp job which starts on Thursday morning.

Things were being thrown at me today. Firstly in the morning an agent called me regarding a $6.50/hr reception job in Marine Parade.

Thank goodness I rejected that one, because at 2 p.m. she called me to inform me of a better job offer.

This time, I was supposed to reach her office by 1430 so that I can make it for the interview which was at 3. Of course this meant cab fares that went unclaimed.

Because there was nowhere that I could claim from.

And then the interview ended at 4 plus, I went to town. At 5 plus she called to inform me that I got the job. And I was told to head down to the branch in town to sign the contract. That was like, immediately?

Then I came home and saw the email.

Everything has got to come together at the same time.

I hope the job that I really want will call later.

Like, next week, so that I know my schedule and it's easier for me to settle stuff.

I'm hoping and hoping that the temp job will be nice enough so that I won't be missing band practices. And especially the September 13 performance itself.

*crosses fingers*

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