Flashbacks of November
Because of a very bad examination schedule this semester, I diligently started studying earlier than ever for the papers (which still isn't early but this doesn't mean that the exams still went well =(). Therefore I haven't been blogging nicely.
Nevertheless, I still want to blog. So sit back, relax, and let me share what happened to me the last few weeks =)
Stop here if you need to mug.
/08 11 2007 Thursday Deepavali Part 1/
Met up with the seven of us except Jing Yi for a meal at Whitesands. Since the shopping mall has been revamped there are more things that we can do there now. =)
So we ate at Xin Wang and celebrated Hui Ying's and Shi Hui's birthdays.
Nevertheless, I still want to blog. So sit back, relax, and let me share what happened to me the last few weeks =)
Stop here if you need to mug.
/08 11 2007 Thursday Deepavali Part 1/
Met up with the seven of us except Jing Yi for a meal at Whitesands. Since the shopping mall has been revamped there are more things that we can do there now. =)
So we ate at Xin Wang and celebrated Hui Ying's and Shi Hui's birthdays.
/08 11 2007 Thursday Deepavali Part 1/
This afternoon Ethan was breathing weirdly and it scared me so I forced my parents to bring him to the doctor and so my dad drove us to the clinic. Nothing really wrong, just some mucus that was blocking his nostrils.
On the way back in the car, I saw a nice moment for me to take a shot of Ethan.
See him? =)
/11 11 2007 Sunday/
The last time I talked about the lion felt plush that I haven't got from Kimberly. Anyway, I transferred the photo to my phone and made it my wallpaper (it still is!) and I think it has a nice effect to it. I like the way it looks on my phone.
Nice right? Or at least I think so.
/15 11 2007 Thursday/
Was at the Medical/Science Library studying with a handful of band people. And Daniel Kang snuggled in his very comfortable jacket.

/16 11 2007 Friday/
A few days ago I heard from Maria that her friend told her that Maria was spotted in a poster somewhere at University Hall. And then I went to take a look since my dad drove me to school and I asked him to drive me to take a look. It wasn't a poster/banner. It was a billboard.
And Annie's face was on it too. Other than the both of them, Debre, Evelyn, Chin Fung, Jay and Weiling whose face was fortunately blocked by Maria's raised arm, were on the billboard too. I was thankfully cropped from the picture, you can see me, I'm the one behind Annie with the white cap. Thank juicy goodness. And Wilson was right beside Annie and he got cropped too. He was very relieved.
Because Annie is always conscious about the size of her face, I just had to purposely poke fun at her as you can see in the photo =P
This scene was taken during Rag Day earlier in August, when we were screaming those FoS cheers. We saw the cameraman taking photos of us but somehow we didn't think too much.
If you're asking, this billboard is there for NUS to show support to the local Youth Olympics Committee or something, to win the bid for the YO to be held in Singapore in 2010. Therefore, the billboard may be there for two years. Juicy goodness.
Check out the billboard at the bus-stop opposite University Hall.
/17 11 2007 Saturday/
Played with the panorama function in my phone at home. You can see a 180 degrees view of my living room.
I suggest you blow the photo up.
/18 11 2007 Sunday Part 1/
Ethan is turning a month old on the coming Thursday, and so by Chinese tradition his parents are to buy those kind of cakes and pastries and send it to their relatives. My parents and I helped to send for the relatives on our side. Dad planned the driving route (and send me to school along the way as well), and we set off. I took a look at the boxes of 'yummy treats' inside a box before we set off. Here's what you should've got if you were my relative. My sister ordered from Choz Confectionary. I think it is over-rated, don't get your cakes from there.
On the way we hit the ECP and I finally get to see the Singapore Flyer during day time and happily pressed the shutter.
/18 11 2007 Sunday Part 2/
Samuel performed at Holland V today, I went for the performance with Annie, Andy, Debre and Ismy. There were three bands which performed that night, with Samuel's band in the middle. I wasn't expecting much, just rather thrilled that it is the first time I'll watch Samuel perform onstage.
And so I was amazed by the kinds of guitars he has (perhaps I just don't know how crazy he is about guitars). The moment he flashed out his guitar I was like, woah, I don't remember seeing a guitar model like this before!
Really flashy.
One of the members sarcastically commented it to be a Siamese-twin guitar -_-. It's called a double-necked guitar from what Samuel told me.
We got Merci chocolate from Samuel. Coincidentally there was a shooting star shaped box, so I happily chose it. He was the star of the night anyway =D Samuel learnt French in school and I asked him a while ago how to pronounce merci, which means thank you in French. I don't know how to tell you how to pronounce it accurately, but when you say it fast, it sounds like 'messy'. So don't trust the ad that tells you 'Mercccyyyyyyy I know means saying thanks'. They don't pronounce it properly.
/20 11 2007 Monday/
The boredom of studying has caught up with me too soon. I entertained myself my writing notes in someone else's name.

You may want to guess who D.K. is, he was mentioned in this post.
I happily threw it on Khee Nguen's desk in the library.
More paronama fun.
There are four digicams at home, three Olympus and one Fujifilm. My brother has one, but his recently his friend damaged it and my brother being himself never asked his friend to pay for the damages. So the camera is gathering dust on his shelf. My dad has two, he bought the Olympus one many years ago and I still think it's quite a good camera. Though only 4.0 megapixels. It has a 10x optical zoom which is the power. 4x digital zoom but that doesn't really bother me. The Fuji was picked up in his taxi months ago, but the owner never notified him and he didn't see any bulletin from the company regarding it. Some time later it became ours -_- Sorry. Ah, the camera is at least better-to-use than my own Olympus simply because of the shutter speed. The retarded speed of my camera is really costing me my Kodak moments. That's why I don't really like to use my camera, the slow shutter speed is blurring a lot of my photos when I don't use flash. And another thing which makes me dislike my camera further is that someone dropped it and it suffered scratches and a cracked card-and-battery cover.
So I guess I'll get my own camera soon =P And it better has a good shutter speed and a panorama function. Meanwhile I try to be able to take photos totally horizontally.
/21 11 2007 Wednesday/
My folks and my sister's husband and in-laws met up for dinner at the Fortunate Restaurant to celebrate Ethan's first month on this (terrible) world.
Ah, panorama play. From left: yours truly, mum, sis, bro-in-law, his mum. I don't like her. =P
Ah Nan was there to host a show. But the crowd was very pathetic actually.
/22 11 2007 Thursday/
Today is Khee Nguen's birthday, and we had a surprise for him. How surprising. Hui Shan asked Rong Chen to save four apple crumbles from Spinelli for us so as to have a tiny celebration for KN.
They're holding on to a card I drew in probably about ten minutes? And I wrote some very mushy message inside and signed off as Donkey Kong (affectionately known as D.K.). I can't remember what stuff I wrote inside, but I was very amused as I wrote. KN said it really sounded like a love letter. Whahahah! Great. I've never written such things for my exs and I think I'm terrific at making up love letters. Which isn't really a good thing especially when I don't mean it. Whatever~
I realised I didn't take any pic with KN. Never mind!
Wait. I did. Where's the group photo?! KHEE NGUEN!!!
/24 11 2007 Saturday/
It was always quite difficult to get dinner in school on Saturdays and Sundays. So D.K. called up California Pizza 6-241-0-241! Hawaiian and seafood =) Shared among HS, D.K., Prof Phua and me.

There was this cat which was obviously hungry. Prof Phua fed it with a tiny chunk of pizza and I bet the cat was damn happy. It climbed trees afterwards. Serious.

Panorama play.
/26 11 2007 Monday/ I had to write two sets of help sheets for my exams which are usually time-consuming and sometimes no use at all. I was so sick of writing the 3rd help sheet, I entertained myself (again).
Have a good lesson on help sheeting making.
1. Prepare:
2. Fold the paper in half.
3. Fold the sides of the paper back towards the centre fold and you will get four partitions.
4. Lay the paper flat against the surface of the table, and draw lines using the pencil along the folds.
Now you can start writing!
5. Start by writing (in a very small font size) the name of the topic in a colour, then using a different colour, write the formula or theorems that you wish to take note. Separate each theory/corollary/lemma/whatever accordingly, with a horizontal line.
6. Highlight keywords so you can spot them easily during your examination, without the need to scan for the keyword.
7. After every topic, bold the horizontal line.
8. The help sheet is almost done. Once done, you can fold them and you'll find that you can hold on to your help sheet handily. (It is actually quite difficult to hold the sheet as an A4 as it is too big) Simply flip to the partition that contains what you need, tuck the rest of the parts in and refer!

9. Now you are done =) Remember to write on both sides and good luck to your future endeavours!
Thank you for reading, hope you had a good time. Whahaha.
Have a good lesson on help sheeting making.
How to make a help sheet
- a few pieces of paper, sized according to examination standards;
- a ruler;
- a pencil;
- a few pens of different colours, depending on your choice;
- a highlighter;
- an eraser;
- correction fluid/correction tape.
2. Fold the paper in half.
3. Fold the sides of the paper back towards the centre fold and you will get four partitions.
4. Lay the paper flat against the surface of the table, and draw lines using the pencil along the folds.
Now you can start writing!
5. Start by writing (in a very small font size) the name of the topic in a colour, then using a different colour, write the formula or theorems that you wish to take note. Separate each theory/corollary/lemma/whatever accordingly, with a horizontal line.
6. Highlight keywords so you can spot them easily during your examination, without the need to scan for the keyword.
7. After every topic, bold the horizontal line.
8. The help sheet is almost done. Once done, you can fold them and you'll find that you can hold on to your help sheet handily. (It is actually quite difficult to hold the sheet as an A4 as it is too big) Simply flip to the partition that contains what you need, tuck the rest of the parts in and refer!

9. Now you are done =) Remember to write on both sides and good luck to your future endeavours!
Thank you for reading, hope you had a good time. Whahaha.
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