Sheares National Day Dinner 2006
We call this dinner SNDCC in short, but I forgot what the long form exactly is. What we're supposed to do is to get a date from our own block! Juniors are supposed to ask seniors of the opposite sex. My date was Rubin, a Year 4 senior. Then all of us are to do something or get your date a gift. I did this agar-agar and cut out Rubin's name and everything was pretty until a wrong step I took. Don't ask me what, I'll get sad. Haha. Then I spoiled everything but it was still edible la, and I didn't take a photo of it. The best part is that Rubin didn't know the red agar was his name. It was actually covered by a white opaque agar. Amy told him about his name there and he didn't realise. Haha. He gave me a slice of strawberry cake (it's nice! From Prima Deli) and a packet of drink weeks after the dinner. -_- But at least he still gave. =)
And since it was a formal dinner, we were supposed to dress quite formally. But not to the extent of ballroom wear of course.
Dinner was horrible -_- People were expecting some nice dinner, divided into courses. In the end they served us rice and chicken. And while we were expecting more food, dinner was over. So actually I didn't eat a lot. How sad. Haha.
Here are the photos!
Friends in level 4 (from left):
Erlin (Indo), Joanna (M'sia), Amy, Adeline (M'sia), Me, Juli
With Clarice and Rachel from level 7
Yi Xin and I

With Donna
Wei Ling. She was also in my OG for SOW
With my date Rubin
Zai Hao (Indo), the block head
With Ms. Sheares 05/06 Esther
I think she's pretty
Meng Kiat
Yu Qian aka Yo-yo (Chn)
Qi Jun the block-head-to-be and Rubin

Winson the vice-block-head-to-be

Front row: Yo-yo and Jo
Back row: Siok Yee, Paulene, Yi Yu, Ade, me and Amy..
..and I know I can't stand properly
My table for SNDCC
Sometimes I don't know why I cannot smile properly. But doesn't matter =D

Making faces
Jonathan (Indo)

Gunnar the exchange student from Germany
Hian Yi

Block E!

Choong Yoon (M'sia) but we call him Britney
Small Nicholas (because there's another senior Big Nicholas)
David (M'sia)

Mari the exchange student from Tokyo
Ming Ru and Yu Ying, both from China

The white girls and Zhi Long

The strawberry cake
And this chocolate milk. Haha
Yep, that's about it!
And since it was a formal dinner, we were supposed to dress quite formally. But not to the extent of ballroom wear of course.
Dinner was horrible -_- People were expecting some nice dinner, divided into courses. In the end they served us rice and chicken. And while we were expecting more food, dinner was over. So actually I didn't eat a lot. How sad. Haha.
Here are the photos!
Erlin (Indo), Joanna (M'sia), Amy, Adeline (M'sia), Me, Juli
I think she's pretty
Back row: Siok Yee, Paulene, Yi Yu, Ade, me and Amy..
..and I know I can't stand properly
Sometimes I don't know why I cannot smile properly. But doesn't matter =D

Yep, that's about it!